Focus of the Comprehensive Training Program

A comprehensive understanding of the grieving process, coping strategies, and practical applications to support healing and resilience.

Course curriculum

    1. Course Overview

    1. Explanation of the five stages of grief

    2. Discussion on the nonlinear nature of grief and how individuals may fluctuate between stages

    1. Importance of social support in the healing process

    2. Practical coping strategies for staff

    3. Acknowledging and supporting people supported with intellectual disabilities in their own grieving process

    1. Introduction to Virtual Group Exercise

    2. Creating a Supportive Environment

    3. Supporting Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

    1. Assessment 1

    1. Brainstorming session

    2. Creating a plan to incorporate these strategies into daily routines and activities

    3. Scenario Based Quiz 1

    4. Assigning responsibilities and establishing accountability among staff members

    5. Scenario Based Quiz 2

About this course

  • $12.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Course Targets

Participants will be able to:

Understand the Stages of Grief

Explain the five stages of grief (Denial, Anger, Sadness, Reorganization, Letting Go) and discuss their nonlinear nature. Recognize how individuals may fluctuate between stages and how this impacts their emotional state and behavior.

Develop Effective Coping Strategies

Identify the importance of social support and community in the healing process for both staff and people supported. Implement practical coping strategies such as engaging in therapeutic activities, organizing communal events, and incorporating symbolic rituals.

Support People Supported with Intellectual Disabilities

Understand and acknowledge the unique grieving processes of people supported with intellectual disabilities. Provide non-verbal comfort and share memories to maintain engagement and acknowledge their loss.