Focus of the Comprehensive Training Program

Recognizing the unique challenges and considerations in this population, the course aims to empower caregivers, educators, and healthcare professionals with practical strategies for promoting nutritious eating habits and encouraging physical activity.

Course curriculum

    1. Course Overview

    1. Overview of the impact of nutrition and physical activity on overall health

    2. Understanding the specific needs and challenges of persons supported with intellectual disabilities and autism

    3. Setting the foundation for promoting healthy food choices and an active lifestyle

    1. Basics of nutrition: macronutrients, micronutrients, and their role in the body

    2. Special considerations for individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism

    3. Identifying common nutritional deficiencies and health concerns

    1. Principles of meal planning: balance, variety, and moderation

    2. Adapting meal plans to accommodate dietary restrictions and preferences

    3. Incorporating sensory considerations into meal preparation

    1. Assessment 1

    1. Strategies for encouraging individuals to try new foods

    2. Creating a supportive eating environment

    3. Building positive relationships with food

    4. Addressing common barriers to healthy eating

About this course

  • $12.00
  • 37 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Course Targets

Participants will be able to:

Understand the unique nutritional and health needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism.

Participants will gain insight into the specific challenges and considerations related to nutrition and wellness in this population.

Learn strategies for promoting healthy food choices tailored to individual preferences and dietary needs.

Attendees will explore practical approaches to encourage nutritious eating habits while respecting the diverse preferences and sensitivities of individuals.

Explore methods for incorporating physical activity into daily routines and promoting an active lifestyle.

Participants will discover effective ways to integrate exercise and recreational activities into the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism.