Focus of the Comprehensive Training Program

In a world that thrives on diversity and inclusion, the ability to advocate effectively for individuals and their unique needs is more crucial than ever.

Course curriculum

    1. Course Overview

    1. Defining advocacy within the context of person-centered philosophy for individuals with intellectual disabilities

    2. Exploring the pivotal role of advocacy in driving systemic change and enhancing support structures

    3. Recognizing the significance of informed advocacy and the various roles of advocates, including external advocates, internal advocates, and supported individuals along with their families

    4. Quiz 1

    1. Identifying external advocates and their defining characteristics

    2. Examining the impact of external advocates on advocating for change within support systems

    3. Drawing insights from real-world examples showcasing the effectiveness of external advocacy

    4. Quiz 2

    1. Defining internal advocates and delineating their characteristics

    2. Understanding the importance of internal advocates in evaluating proposed initiatives and mitigating unintended consequences

    3. Emphasizing the need for training and passion in cultivating internal advocacy

    4. Highlighting the role of internal advocates as champions for person-centered practices within organizations

    5. Quiz 3

    1. Stressing the importance of involving supported individuals and their families as advocates

    2. Providing opportunities for acquiring skills necessary to contribute to individual support plans with the mantra of "nothing about us without us"

    3. Exploring the role of supported individuals in peer support and feedback mechanisms for driving positive change

    4. Quiz 4

    1. Summarizing the pivotal role of advocacy in person-centered philosophy for individuals with intellectual disabilities

    2. Reinforcing the necessity of informed advocacy for targeted impact

    3. Acknowledging the collective efforts of external advocates, internal advocates, supported individuals, and their families in effecting positive change

    4. Underlining the significant role of Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) in nurturing advocacy among individuals and contributing to the enhancement of support systems.

About this course

  • $12.00
  • 23 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Course Targets

Participants will be able to:

Define advocacy within the context of person-centered philosophy for individuals with intellectual disabilities and articulate its importance in driving systemic change and enhancing support structures

Gain a clear understanding of advocacy's role in promoting person-centered approaches and its impact on improving the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Identify the characteristics and roles of external advocates, internal advocates, and supported individuals and their families in advocating for change within support systems

Learn to recognize the diverse roles of advocates and understand how each contributes to driving positive change within organizations and communities.

Evaluate the effectiveness of external advocacy efforts through real-world examples, recognizing their significance in influencing policies and practices

Analyze case studies to understand the impact of external advocacy on shaping support systems and fostering inclusive environments.