Behavior Management for Youth
A comprehensive course designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage and support the behavior of young individuals in various settings.
This course explores theories, strategies, and practical techniques aimed at promoting positive behavior, preventing challenging behaviors, and addressing them when they arise.
Course Overview
Developmental Psychology and Behavior
Factors Influencing Youth Behavior
Understanding Challenging Behaviors
Quiz 1
Building Positive Relationships
Behavior Intervention Techniques
Collaborative Problem-Solving
Quiz 2
Creating a Positive and Inclusive Climate
Implementing Strength-Based Programming
Promoting Self-Care and Resilience
Quiz 3
Key Takeaways
Participants will be able to:
Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the developmental, socio-cultural, and environmental factors that shape the behavior of young individuals.
Participants will learn how to apply principles of positive behavior support (PBS) to promote prosocial behaviors, reinforce desired behaviors, and prevent the occurrence of challenging behaviors in youth.
Participants will learn how to conduct functional behavior assessments (FBA) to identify the function and triggers of challenging behaviors in youth, and develop individualized behavior intervention plans (BIP) based on assessment findings.